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Academy of Wing Chun Kung Fu

Primary Level (Siu Lim Tao)

The first form that a student will be introduced to in Wing Chun is Siu Lim Tao, or "The Little Idea". Siu Lim Tao is the Foundation of the entire art of Wing Chun, as it contains all the fighting principles of the art within the form. Beyond teaching correct technique, it teaches the practitioner to relax properly, maintain stable balance, the proper use of the eyes in the fighting environment, and a host of other principles. By diligently practicing Siu Lim Tao, the student will quickly begin to develop Wing Chun's characteristic explosive, whip-like power in his movements, and will begin to learn how to take a creative approach to fighting.

This is the secret contained within Siu Lim Tao - the freedom from practicing rote patterns of empty technique. By learning to apply correct fighting principles the practitioner's techniques will be able to flow infinitely in unison with the enemy's actions. Instead of taking the impossible, analytical approach of adhering to pre-determined technique patterns, the Siu Lim Tao trained Wing Chun fighter is able to use principles to control the fighting environment and create a winning situation. He can adapt to any fight without hesitation, and can apply his movements without conscious thought in perfect unison with the enemy.

Additionally, while training this form with correct breathing, the more advanced exponent is also practicing meditation and strengthening the Gong Lik (internal power).

The student in his Beginning phase of Wing Chun training must take special care that Siu Lim Tao is practiced properly, and that he understands the principles. For, without the Foundation that Siu Lim Tao provides, the student will be unable to apply his Wing Chun, and will be unable to advance. With the instructors approval the student can progress to the Intermediate Level - Chum Kiu.